
Found out I’ve been massively lowballed on my salary and the company doesn’t care.

This is mostly a rant post, I'm already applying for new jobs wherever I can. I've worked with my current employer for 6 years as a data analyst, my initial pay was lower than the advertised amount due to my lack of experience and I accepted as I was desperate for a job. Recently we had a new hire and I was showing him the ropes, teaching him about the data and software we use. We actually got along really well and strated chatting outside of work. The subject of pay came up and it turns out he's being paid about £10,000 a year more than I am. We were both pretty shocked at this and did some double checking to confirm that we're in the same role and we are. I brought it up with my manager and she seemed shocked and agreed something was wrong. We then went…

This is mostly a rant post, I'm already applying for new jobs wherever I can.

I've worked with my current employer for 6 years as a data analyst, my initial pay was lower than the advertised amount due to my lack of experience and I accepted as I was desperate for a job. Recently we had a new hire and I was showing him the ropes, teaching him about the data and software we use. We actually got along really well and strated chatting outside of work. The subject of pay came up and it turns out he's being paid about £10,000 a year more than I am. We were both pretty shocked at this and did some double checking to confirm that we're in the same role and we are.

I brought it up with my manager and she seemed shocked and agreed something was wrong. We then went to the department head and he initially tried to downplay it, saying stuff like the new guy has more experience and qualifications etc, I then pointed out I've got 6 years of experience and have qualifications in the software we're using and I've been teaching him how to do his job. He backed down and agreed to pursue a payrise for me. It took about a month to hear back.

I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to get a 10k payrise all in one go but I was expecting something, even just a small bump to get me to shut up. What I got was an outright “No, it's not in the budget”. My manager tried to argue for something else, reduced hours or extra days off instead but that was also rejected. During the follow up with her she seemed shocked about it and while she didn't outright say “find a new job” all she was able to offer me was some opportunity to work on a project that might look good on a CV.

I was stunned and incredibly dejected. I've never felt so unappreciated. I've worked late on numerous occasions for this company, I've repeatedly had good performance reviews from my manager and dept head and this is what I get in return. My motivation has plummeted and I struggle to expend even a small amount of effort on my work. I feel like so much of my time has been wasted and I've basically put my life on hold with this stupid company. I've started applying for jobs and I can find a new one soon, before I accidentally get myself fired for slacking off or something. Then again, I doubt they'd be able to find someone to work as cheaply as I am.

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