
Found out my ‘promotion’ was just to bring my wage in line with my new subordinate

Basically the title. Found out that the new recruit that I’m 100% responsible for, had to train myself and delegate tasks to earns the same amount as me. Hello! I have an issue at work that I’ve just found out about and I’m hoping you guys might be able to give some advice as how to navigate the situation. Here we go… So I work as support staff for a team of Mortgage Brokers at a small firm attached to a residential construction company. Originally we had 2 support staff and 4 brokers – recently we had 2 brokers and the other support staff resign. Leaving me to support the remaining two brokers and take ownership of the clients that had been assigned to the brokers that left because the remaining brokers were ‘too busy’ to take them on. Management also thought this was a great time to recruit another…

Basically the title. Found out that the new recruit that I’m 100% responsible for, had to train myself and delegate tasks to earns the same amount as me.

Hello! I have an issue at work that I’ve just found out about and I’m hoping you guys might be able to give some advice as how to navigate the situation. Here we go…

So I work as support staff for a team of Mortgage Brokers at a small firm attached to a residential construction company. Originally we had 2 support staff and 4 brokers – recently we had 2 brokers and the other support staff resign. Leaving me to support the remaining two brokers and take ownership of the clients that had been assigned to the brokers that left because the remaining brokers were ‘too busy’ to take them on. Management also thought this was a great time to recruit another new broker which I had to train, while supporting the other two and ‘playing broker’ for leftover clients. This was also end of financial year so heaps of added stress of getting loans through and reporting requirements that I had to meet as well. I worked a lot of overtime, I was very stressed and unhappy with my work life but I got the job done, things kept moving and we exceeded our team targets despite the issues above. Management were ecstatic, gave me a promotion, some awards/bonuses and a big pay rise for my trouble and internally recruited another support staff to take pressure off me. She’s been great, has prior finance experience and is eager to learn and help as much as she can. I had been thinking of also getting a new job but changed my mind due to the promotion and pay rise.

Recently the new support staff has decided to build her first home with the construction company we’re attached to and she needed finance to do so. I lodged her loan in the system so saw her payslips which is where I discovered that my ‘pay rise’ is the same amount as she’s currently earning. I’m so angry. I thought all the fuss and the pay rise was to show management’s gratitude for all my hard work and taking on a senior role with no notice with barely enough experience to manage the requirements of the role. Nope. They recruited a new person on the same wage as what they ‘promoted’ me to.

Obviously I’m back looking for a new job with an updated resume for my senior position, but how do I go back to work on Monday knowing what I know now? I’m embarrassed and feel like I should completely drop the rope and stop putting in so much effort to this job since they clearly don’t value me.

Any and all advice is appreciated, thank you.

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