
Found out today I got scheduled on a public holiday without notice

Sorry for potential grammar mistakes English is not my first language. I started a job at Mac Donald’s to pay rent a few months ago, I absolutely hate every second of it but it’s my only option for now. Usually when a public holiday is near they would ask everyone if they’re ok working on that day and since I despise that job I would always refuse to work on public holiday. This time they simply didn’t ask and me and now I’m finding out that my day off is going to be an 8h shift instead of going out with friends. I wouldn’t even be mad working that day if that was for a good cause, if my job was useful but it’s not. They decided to make money on that day and I have to work for them on a day I’m not supposed to and I don’t…

Sorry for potential grammar mistakes English is not my first language.

I started a job at Mac Donald’s to pay rent a few months ago, I absolutely hate every second of it but it’s my only option for now.

Usually when a public holiday is near they would ask everyone if they’re ok working on that day and since I despise that job I would always refuse to work on public holiday.

This time they simply didn’t ask and me and now I’m finding out that my day off is going to be an 8h shift instead of going out with friends.

I wouldn’t even be mad working that day if that was for a good cause, if my job was useful but it’s not.
They decided to make money on that day and I have to work for them on a day I’m not supposed to and I don’t even get a saying in this.

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