
Friend looking to stop showing up to work but is curious how they’ll be able to collect NJ unemployment?

My old coworker is looking to leave their job because they absolutely hate how toxic and backstabbing their job is. They’re taking their vacation time that has already been preapproved but isn’t planning on returning to their job afterwards. Not sure how unemployment works but they’re wondering if they’ll be able to collect unemployment? I know they’ll probably not get approved initially but is there a penalty time in which they’ll be able to collect afterwards? Also, any other routes that could help them would be greatly appreciated.

My old coworker is looking to leave their job because they absolutely hate how toxic and backstabbing their job is. They’re taking their vacation time that has already been preapproved but isn’t planning on returning to their job afterwards. Not sure how unemployment works but they’re wondering if they’ll be able to collect unemployment? I know they’ll probably not get approved initially but is there a penalty time in which they’ll be able to collect afterwards? Also, any other routes that could help them would be greatly appreciated.

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