
From “pretty please” RtO to tracking key fobs and impacting performance reviews

I know this has been written about to death over the last year, but I'm seeing a stronger push after labor day (the irony is too on the nose) in big companies to really enforce 3-days/week or else. It's almost like all the big-time CEOs went to some retreat and agreed to crack down at the same time in a united front to remove all leverage from employees, despite high productivity numbers. The company I work for may have a lot of faults but one thing I always loved about it is that they didn't treat us like cogs (or at least it wasn't obvious), but now we're hearing about this strong enforcement and how we'll get attendance reports at the end of the month and we might have our pay docked, with possible termination, so I started doing research about what options I might have and saw everyone else…

I know this has been written about to death over the last year, but I'm seeing a stronger push after labor day (the irony is too on the nose) in big companies to really enforce 3-days/week or else. It's almost like all the big-time CEOs went to some retreat and agreed to crack down at the same time in a united front to remove all leverage from employees, despite high productivity numbers.

The company I work for may have a lot of faults but one thing I always loved about it is that they didn't treat us like cogs (or at least it wasn't obvious), but now we're hearing about this strong enforcement and how we'll get attendance reports at the end of the month and we might have our pay docked, with possible termination, so I started doing research about what options I might have and saw everyone else decided to do the same at the same time so it looks like it's time to keep my head down for now and ride it out.

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