

First, for a bit of history, I am disabled. I have autism, tourettes, and a joint disability. I require accommodations for these things and it makes it very hard for me to find jobs, because they will often have sneaky wording in their applications. “We hire disabled people as long as they can carry out the job requirements,” and then the requirements are being able to speak and communicate well, stand for the whole shift, etc etc. I had to quit a job after one day of work because they refused to provide a chair, I had grounds to sue but decided against it because it just seemed like a bigger process than what it was worth. After months (I had 7 months worth of savings, and am now down to 1) of searching for a job I could do, applying to every job I could, I finally got a…

First, for a bit of history, I am disabled. I have autism, tourettes, and a joint disability. I require accommodations for these things and it makes it very hard for me to find jobs, because they will often have sneaky wording in their applications. “We hire disabled people as long as they can carry out the job requirements,” and then the requirements are being able to speak and communicate well, stand for the whole shift, etc etc. I had to quit a job after one day of work because they refused to provide a chair, I had grounds to sue but decided against it because it just seemed like a bigger process than what it was worth.

After months (I had 7 months worth of savings, and am now down to 1) of searching for a job I could do, applying to every job I could, I finally got a preliminary interview set up with a company who stated they were looking specifically for disabled employees (weird, but I’ll accept whatever I can take). They were supposed to call me at 12:40pm today. It is now 2:11pm. I have been waiting for an hour and a half for a scheduled phone call. I even got a message at 11:40am saying they were looking forward to the call in an hour! I messaged at 1:14pm asking if they needed to reschedule, with no response. I got dressed and all ready in order to feel good for the phone call (they’re really stressful for me due to my autism). And now I’m just laying in bed, fully dressed, looking at social media. My autism also makes me need routine and structure very badly, and if plans are cancelled or changed, I get very upset.

I’m just so mad and sad. I’ve been trying to avoid SSDI because of how little money it really is. This job was the most promising opportunity I had seen in the seven months of searching. I don’t know what to do. I feel so hopeless.

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