
Frustrated with my current situation (rant)

I just got back to work after a 2 month leave of absence. I told my manager I can't work full time anymore and would like to transfer out of her department back to part time. She's fine with it but the transfer takes some time. While I was gone she hired another person. So now I'm in this limbo where she's not giving me any hours, doesn't need me etc. But technically I'm supposed to have my old job back for now so she really should be giving me hours in the meantime. Also I have to take a pay cut to go back to part time, which sucks but whatever, it's the choice I need to make right now. The other sucky part of all this is that my “full time” job doesn't even really have enough work to be full time and before I left I was…

I just got back to work after a 2 month leave of absence. I told my manager I can't work full time anymore and would like to transfer out of her department back to part time. She's fine with it but the transfer takes some time. While I was gone she hired another person. So now I'm in this limbo where she's not giving me any hours, doesn't need me etc. But technically I'm supposed to have my old job back for now so she really should be giving me hours in the meantime. Also I have to take a pay cut to go back to part time, which sucks but whatever, it's the choice I need to make right now.
The other sucky part of all this is that my “full time” job doesn't even really have enough work to be full time and before I left I was barely doing 30hrs. So practically speaking…I could just keep my current job on a part time basis. However the role is considered “full time” and they won't change it to part time.
I have several reasons for switching to part time, but one thing I hate about full time in general is how they basically own you. That's the real reason they won't change my job to part time, because they want to own my time completely. I like part time because I get to chose when I'm available and not have to worry about if I have PTO to meet the full time requirements. HR said I would basically loose my job next year when they evaluate my hours and see that I'm not working full time to meet the “benefits” (I don't take health insurance and the PTO is barely anything) so any days I want off are unpaid anyways, which puts me below the 30hr minimum.
Anyways that's all I'm just annoyed with the whole situation, however I know it's partially my own personal circumstances that are causing it to happen.
What do you guys think about part time vs full-time?
Doesn't part time feel like more freedom and flexibility?

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