
Frustrating comment about my condition

So bit of a story here. I work remotely in a mid-level leadership position in a large company. We had an in-person conference earlier this year. While chatting with some staff they mentioned that they get nervous meeting people and presenting and stuff. I sympathized and mentioned how I still get anxious meeting people. I also mentioned how I deal with palpitations when I get stressed and anxious. It's a documented medical condition I deal with. Fast forward a couple of months. I received a routine performance review. My boss had checked in with staff beneath me to see how it was going. Apparently a staff member mentioned to my boss that me sharing about my condition made them uncomfortable. I get it, I thought I was doing the right thing sympathizing, but I guess it wasn't someone's desire. I said I won't share anymore about that stuff. Then my…

So bit of a story here. I work remotely in a mid-level leadership position in a large company.

We had an in-person conference earlier this year. While chatting with some staff they mentioned that they get nervous meeting people and presenting and stuff. I sympathized and mentioned how I still get anxious meeting people. I also mentioned how I deal with palpitations when I get stressed and anxious. It's a documented medical condition I deal with.

Fast forward a couple of months. I received a routine performance review. My boss had checked in with staff beneath me to see how it was going. Apparently a staff member mentioned to my boss that me sharing about my condition made them uncomfortable. I get it, I thought I was doing the right thing sympathizing, but I guess it wasn't someone's desire. I said I won't share anymore about that stuff.

Then my boss, during the review, said something that actually made me very uneasy and upset. It's stuck with me for months and as I deal with my heart issues, it bothers me even more.

My boss said something like this, but I know that quoted part was said:

You can tell me anything you need. You share up. Staff below that hear about what you're dealing with may not feel ok with you sharing. “Some people might think that because of what you shared, that you can't do your job.”

So yeah, this has been gnawing at me. Sometimes I feel like garbage because of my heart, and I'm scared to share when I'm dealing with it with anyone. I guess I can just say I'm not feeling well if I need time off, but if a doctor were to say I need to take extended time off because of it, or get a procedure, then I'd feel like I'll be targeted now that the organization knows (based on what my boss said).

Anyway, it just sucks. Each palpitation reminds me that “some people might think I can't do my job.” Not sure who to talk to about it. HR never is on the side of the employee. Always the organization. So I feel pretty lost about what to do.

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