
FTC proposes banning non-compete agreements FTC chair Lina Khan is backing the idea of banning non-compete agreements entirely, on the (my paraphrase) grounds that they amount to indentured servitude that does far more real harm than any imagined threat to “trade secrets” or “customer databases” – which are already protected under trade law and non-disclosures (a totally different beast). The FTC recognizes that this will raise wages and improve working conditions for 80 million Americans. That's 1 in 5 who are bound by some form of non-compete.

FTC chair Lina Khan is backing the idea of banning non-compete agreements entirely, on the (my paraphrase) grounds that they amount to indentured servitude that does far more real harm than any imagined threat to “trade secrets” or “customer databases” – which are already protected under trade law and non-disclosures (a totally different beast).

The FTC recognizes that this will raise wages and improve working conditions for 80 million Americans. That's 1 in 5 who are bound by some form of non-compete.

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