
Fuck Fulgent Labs! They raised my GF’s health insurance premium by over 1000%!

She was paying ~$20 per paycheck for insurance for the last year, and now they’ve raised it to over $200. We’re so lucky I’m not on her insurance and we don’t have kids! What fucking heartless bastard at FULGENT labs thought it was a good idea to cut costs like this right before the holiday?! It’s either they did this for fatter paychecks for c-suite, or they want everyone to quit. I can’t wrap my mind around it. Someone make this make sense, please.

She was paying ~$20 per paycheck for insurance for the last year, and now they’ve raised it to over $200. We’re so lucky I’m not on her insurance and we don’t have kids! What fucking heartless bastard at FULGENT labs thought it was a good idea to cut costs like this right before the holiday?! It’s either they did this for fatter paychecks for c-suite, or they want everyone to quit. I can’t wrap my mind around it. Someone make this make sense, please.

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