
Fuck Procter & Gamble

I was job applying and came across Procter & Gamble. Said alright seems like a good company I'll apply. After my application was sent in they emailed me saying I had to take a 20 minute assessment before they'll even look at my resume (red flag #1). Being semi-desperate as I am for a job I did it and it was basically testing your morals, work ethic, and more sinister, obviously trying to screen out people with disabilities that didn't report them with questions like “how do you act in social settings?” and even direct symptomatic questions of autism and ADHD. I felt like I was taking a fucking diagnosis test. I'm sorry, but I didn't see partying/drinking at the bar in the job description of this engineering role, so how is this related except for trying to be discriminatory? As someone who has mild ASD (which does not affect…

I was job applying and came across Procter & Gamble. Said alright seems like a good company I'll apply. After my application was sent in they emailed me saying I had to take a 20 minute assessment before they'll even look at my resume (red flag #1). Being semi-desperate as I am for a job I did it and it was basically testing your morals, work ethic, and more sinister, obviously trying to screen out people with disabilities that didn't report them with questions like “how do you act in social settings?” and even direct symptomatic questions of autism and ADHD. I felt like I was taking a fucking diagnosis test. I'm sorry, but I didn't see partying/drinking at the bar in the job description of this engineering role, so how is this related except for trying to be discriminatory? As someone who has mild ASD (which does not affect my work in the slightest) I very clearly could tell they were trying to screen out people like me (red flag #2). Still submitted it cause whatever, I'm able to mask symptoms, even if being forced to doesn't sit well with me. Just out of curiosity I researched the work culture and found reddit posts and job reviews that basically this company's culture is extremely toxic, and everyone who moves up in the company got there by trampling on their colleagues, and normal people who work there hate it (3rd and final red flag for me).

So yea I'm not gonna go forward with this company, even if they offer an interview. Fuck Procter & Gamble

TLDR: P&G not even trying to hide their discriminatory practices against neurodivergent people and has a disgustingly toxic company culture. Fuck P&G.

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