
Fuck return to office

Last week I had to utilize my company's local office as part of our 2x month return plan. The office I work out of in OH has a cubicle farm and then several enclosed offices which used to be for the higher-ups. There is no longer any segregation in the office based on rank and the offices are free to be booked by anyone with a pulse who makes first dibs in the online reservation system. This was the case before the pandemic as well when the company moved to flex space. So last week, thinking I'd get my days out of the way and because I have ADHD, I booked myself an enclosed office. On my day in there was a supervisor who worked in an entirely different unit who made about three passive agressive comments to me throughout the day regarding my use of the enclosed office. In…

Last week I had to utilize my company's local office as part of our 2x month return plan. The office I work out of in OH has a cubicle farm and then several enclosed offices which used to be for the higher-ups. There is no longer any segregation in the office based on rank and the offices are free to be booked by anyone with a pulse who makes first dibs in the online reservation system. This was the case before the pandemic as well when the company moved to flex space. So last week, thinking I'd get my days out of the way and because I have ADHD, I booked myself an enclosed office.

On my day in there was a supervisor who worked in an entirely different unit who made about three passive agressive comments to me throughout the day regarding my use of the enclosed office. In basically an entirely empty building, this lady saw fit to call me out for using a desk and a computer because it had four walls and a door instead of three. This lady literally outranks me by one grade level.

Fuck the status obsessed losers who need to put other people down.

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