
Fuck the lack of universal healthcare

Living in the united states sucks. Myself and five of my colleagues have had toothaches that get so bad that we have to call out of work and hope it goes away long enough for us to work for a bit. I’ve taken nearly 4000mg of acetaminophen and that shit hasn’t done anything to help the pain. I’ve put ice on it. Ive swished a bit of alcohol and water and that helps some but it doesn’t do alleviate it soon enough. I Can’t afford to go to the dentists to get them looked at. Mind you we have recently put together everything that is needed for a FUCKING DENTISTS CONVENTION. Where these dentists will be getting a giant ass check of $222,000,000 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS. The least they could do is be able to give us dental care for putting on their little conference. AND FUCK CORPORATIONS for making…

Living in the united states sucks. Myself and five of my colleagues have had toothaches that get so bad that we have to call out of work and hope it goes away long enough for us to work for a bit. I’ve taken nearly 4000mg of acetaminophen and that shit hasn’t done anything to help the pain. I’ve put ice on it. Ive swished a bit of alcohol and water and that helps some but it doesn’t do alleviate it soon enough. I Can’t afford to go to the dentists to get them looked at. Mind you we have recently put together everything that is needed for a FUCKING DENTISTS CONVENTION. Where these dentists will be getting a giant ass check of $222,000,000 MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS. The least they could do is be able to give us dental care for putting on their little conference. AND FUCK CORPORATIONS for making everything with too much sugar and overly sweet and processed.

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