
Full Time posotion diminished to Part Time

My husband works for a tech service company fixing computers, servers, printers, etc. Recently he was given the option to be laid off with 2 week’s severance pay or moved to a part time position. The part time position would allow for his regular hourly pay, plus $23 per service call he closes up to 29 hours per week. If he closes 4 calls a day, he nearly makes the same as he did full time. The big drawback is that they cut all benefits, no PTO, no 401K, no healthcare. All gone. To top it off, his employer allowed borrowing of PTO if the time you needed to take off was more than you had available. He was negative 7 hours, which they happily deducted from his paycheck 7 hours of pay after the change was solidified. His company is even posting jobs online, looking for part time reps…

My husband works for a tech service company fixing computers, servers, printers, etc. Recently he was given the option to be laid off with 2 week’s severance pay or moved to a part time position.

The part time position would allow for his regular hourly pay, plus $23 per service call he closes up to 29 hours per week. If he closes 4 calls a day, he nearly makes the same as he did full time. The big drawback is that they cut all benefits, no PTO, no 401K, no healthcare. All gone.

To top it off, his employer allowed borrowing of PTO if the time you needed to take off was more than you had available. He was negative 7 hours, which they happily deducted from his paycheck 7 hours of pay after the change was solidified.

His company is even posting jobs online, looking for part time reps to service our city.

He has been there 9 years. All of this after cutting Christmas bonuses (yet giving one to another tech), cutting mileage reimbursement for using his personal vehicle, and refusing to allow them to expense actual mileage, only allowing google maps estimation of mileage even in cases where roads were closed, non existant, etc, and alternate routes were required.

Tell me there is something illegal they are doing please! -End Rant-

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