
Function description selectively ignored

In my line of work there are variants of “juniors”, “seniors” and my function which is like senior plus, doing senior work but getting additional tasks. Whenever they need something done they point towards my function description and give me a “you get paid more, so suck it up” kind of argument. Lately more and more tasks that belong elsewhere get distributed amongst me and the seniors up to the point where I got assigned a task (coordination of personnel) which my function description excludes me from doing. I have sent multiple mails and reminders, had phonetalks where they always have a reason to delay a decision on the subject, escalated it to the higher ups but I keep getting ignored left and right. In the same time span I would come to the same people with different subjects and issues and they get hammered down immediately so it is…

In my line of work there are variants of “juniors”, “seniors” and my function which is like senior plus, doing senior work but getting additional tasks. Whenever they need something done they point towards my function description and give me a “you get paid more, so suck it up” kind of argument.

Lately more and more tasks that belong elsewhere get distributed amongst me and the seniors up to the point where I got assigned a task (coordination of personnel) which my function description excludes me from doing.

I have sent multiple mails and reminders, had phonetalks where they always have a reason to delay a decision on the subject, escalated it to the higher ups but I keep getting ignored left and right. In the same time span I would come to the same people with different subjects and issues and they get hammered down immediately so it is not like they don't have time to deal with it. They seem to deliberately choose to not respond because this basically forces me to do the task anyway.

So what do I do now? I would like to prevent the nuclear option of simply not showing up for the task that shouldn't be mine but they will use that against me for sure. Is there a step left for me between where I stand and the nuclear option?

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