
Furloughed last week

This happened on Oct. 20th. Also first time posting. I've been with the company since it started 10 years ago. There has always been only 2 full time office workers, and 2 to 4 part time office workers. Anywhere from 5 to 12 men working in the plant. I have always been the only full time woman and the oldest person there. The other office person and I do interchangeable work. While I have been there since the start there has been 6 people in the other position, all men. There is another office/plant in another state where there are women working, but they were there when the company acquired that site. Many time through the years I've been told I was too old to understand something. I have over 30 years experience in my field. Many times I would sit there and watch the General Manager, production manager, or…

This happened on Oct. 20th. Also first time posting.

I've been with the company since it started 10 years ago. There has always been only 2 full time office workers, and 2 to 4 part time office workers. Anywhere from 5 to 12 men working in the plant. I have always been the only full time woman and the oldest person there. The other office person and I do interchangeable work. While I have been there since the start there has been 6 people in the other position, all men. There is another office/plant in another state where there are women working, but they were there when the company acquired that site.

Many time through the years I've been told I was too old to understand something. I have over 30 years experience in my field. Many times I would sit there and watch the General Manager, production manager, or a sales person work with my co-worker trying to figure something out from changing something on the web site to color correction on photos. The GM would actually wave me away while going “Shhh”. When I got tired or watching I would make myself be heard and show them how to do it in 30 seconds. This happened more times than I can remember. Once in an interview the GM told the interviewee that I was too old to understand new technology. The kicker is I had to show the new hire how to used the programs we used.

Business is slow and I knew that hours would be cut through the end of the year. The kicker is that I was the only person furloughed everyone else just had their hours cut, except for my co-worker who is working full time with O/T to cover my work alone with his, he is the only person besides the GM who didn't have his hours cut. The Production manager then emailed the ENTIRE company that I was let go, thanking me for my years of service. I was given no paperwork, I wasn't asked to sign anything. No information on my 401K or anything. I emailed him and he took almost a week to email me separation paperwork. He stated I was furloughed and would be brought back when things pick back up. I asked why did he email the ENTIRE company saying I was “Let Go”. I've not heard back.

I'm close to retiring, I think that was going around. So if you are thinking about retiring keep it quite until you are sure or the decision will be made for you.

Guess I'm just venting. Thank you for reading.

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