
Futaku Studios LLC is run by the son of former Funimation CEO and he doesn’t pay his employees.

Long story short the LLC is an animation studio owned by Mike Fukunaga who is the son of the former Funimation CEO. He uses this relationship to imply he can get you into the industry, then he pays very low if he pays at all. I did several background Illustrations over a month of work and didn't get paid for over 2 months. I only got paid when I threatened to sue. So far I am the only person on the team who's been paid. I just find it funny that the obviously wealthy son of a multi million dollar CEO somehow can't pay his employees. You can find more details and how he's also guilty of fraud in this twitter thread If you check out the twitter thread please retweet it to spread awareness of this nepo baby's scam.

Long story short the LLC is an animation studio owned by Mike Fukunaga who is the son of the former Funimation CEO. He uses this relationship to imply he can get you into the industry, then he pays very low if he pays at all. I did several background Illustrations over a month of work and didn't get paid for over 2 months. I only got paid when I threatened to sue. So far I am the only person on the team who's been paid. I just find it funny that the obviously wealthy son of a multi million dollar CEO somehow can't pay his employees.
You can find more details and how he's also guilty of fraud in this twitter thread
If you check out the twitter thread please retweet it to spread awareness of this nepo baby's scam.

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