
Gaslit my STB ex-boss into worrying that I’m going to ghost them before the end of 2 week notice lol

So as a similar part of My stb ex-boss called me CRYING last night when she found out I'm quitting???. Just before officially turning in my 2 week notice, I did something petty. See, my manager loved to upset a particular client. This client had a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and despite being an adult, he acts younger, I think the doctor said he has the mind of an 8 year old, basically, and that he was lucky to be at this level of functionality. What my manager would do is, she'd upset this client/rile him up, then have me deal with him, then complain that I failed stop him from having outbursts and have an excuse to admonish me/write me up/give me a bad review. This was a setup to refuse the raise they owe me a little longer, and make me doubt my abilities in my job, they're…

So as a similar part of My stb ex-boss called me CRYING last night when she found out I'm quitting???.

Just before officially turning in my 2 week notice, I did something petty.

See, my manager loved to upset a particular client. This client had a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and despite being an adult, he acts younger, I think the doctor said he has the mind of an 8 year old, basically, and that he was lucky to be at this level of functionality. What my manager would do is, she'd upset this client/rile him up, then have me deal with him, then complain that I failed stop him from having outbursts and have an excuse to admonish me/write me up/give me a bad review. This was a setup to refuse the raise they owe me a little longer, and make me doubt my abilities in my job, they're hoping to make it so I don't want to ask for the raise.

He told me that was exactly what she planned. I believe him, because he will, unprovoked, repeat things people say. Its not intentional, its just his way of processing conversations. Like, after quietly reading a book in the lobby, he suddenly looked up from it and say to noone in particular, “Dad said that mom needs to pick up extra milk at the store today because he wants to make icecream.” Similarly, he once said out loud in my presence, “(Boss) said that they make me mad because then it makes (Ryugi) look bad, so (boss) can make (Ryugi) sad.”

I decided to use that against them, without causing him emotional stress at least. I worked it into a conversation with someone else the phrase, “I'd turn in my two week notice but then just leave right away, anyway.” The client overheard this conversation as I'd planned. He repeats it later, as, “(Ryugi) said they were going to give 2 weeks notice but not stay to do it.” My boss, despite having avoided seeing me because she knows I'm trying to turn in my 2 weeks notice, suddenly had a meeting with me about this. I started the meeting by hand-delivering to her a copy of the email I sent her containing my 2 week notice. She curled up her lip in horror/disgust like I handed her a fresh, steaming turd.

She was clearly upset and struggling to upkeep her professional face. She lectured me about how if I give two weeks' notice I'm still responsible for those clients during that time, and it can become a legal issue for patient abandonment (no it can't lol I'm not medical staff nor an emergency responder nor in-patient caretaker; I'm part of an elective non-medical support team whose services are not guaranteed). She argued that its too expensive for the company to have employees who aren't taking that many clients. They literally have a 900% markup between billing medicaid vs what I make and they didn't even issue me legally required equipment like a workphone they can control remotely or an appropriately-secured laptop to access HIPAA-protected information from. I don't even use office space, because my position type is remote. I work from within the community, such as escorting people with severe social anxiety to/from the grocery store or helping someone with depression get the motivation to do their dishes. Stuff like that.

Anyway she demanded to know what I had to say for myself about this. I told her its frankly disgusting that she'd let a client spread rumors about staff and reminded her that he has an active imagination and often relates tv characters to people he knows in person. Like he sometimes confuses his mom and Mrs Frizzle from The Magic Schoolbus, because she has curly hair, earrings with planets on them, and is a schoolteacher by trade. He only does this with people he likes, and I'm one of them. He sometimes confuses me for a character from a daytime sitcom because I have similar hair style, glasses, and attitude. Boss is just jealous she doesn't have a character persona with him lol.

Gonna try to gaslight me into thinking I'm bad at my job and don't deserve contract-required raise? Enjoy sweating while questioning if I'm going to suddenly ghost ya and take your massive profit margin from my work from $5k/week down to a sweet $0 all at once. The cards are in my hands. Anything they could try to do against me legally would only bring questions to their own behavior/choices, which they really don't want.

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