
General Manager is lazy, drinks on the job, and overall gets in the way, need advice!

So I don't want to divulge too many details because I'm unsure of who all knows him and has an account here. Long story short, this guy does very little. He pawns off most of his duties to other workers here. Several other workers have told me they see him sleeping at his desk often with a bottle of alcohol out. I don't go to his office ever, so I have not witnessed this, however I do find the people telling me this credible, and almost every employee I've asked have said they have seen it. When he does interfere with work, its usually to harass and berate people for taking time off, whether it was requested or they are very sick. All while he is on vacation at least once a month. They've tried reporting this to the owner, however they are married, so nothing is being done. I…

So I don't want to divulge too many details because I'm unsure of who all knows him and has an account here. Long story short, this guy does very little. He pawns off most of his duties to other workers here. Several other workers have told me they see him sleeping at his desk often with a bottle of alcohol out. I don't go to his office ever, so I have not witnessed this, however I do find the people telling me this credible, and almost every employee I've asked have said they have seen it. When he does interfere with work, its usually to harass and berate people for taking time off, whether it was requested or they are very sick. All while he is on vacation at least once a month. They've tried reporting this to the owner, however they are married, so nothing is being done.

I tried looking up resources, however most resources I've found are for handling employees doing this, not someone in management above you. Any advice or sources I can use? I am in the US.

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