
Genuine question: why do so many people here talk about uber high rents but not live with your parents to avoid paying so much rent?

I hate landlords and billionaires as much as the next person on this sub. I'm not here to scorn anyone here. I'm just trying to understand because I'm from Singapore, a place where most young people stay with their parents until they have somewhat secured their home. Anyone who tries to rent would meet disdain from their parents saying “why waste money, rent is so expensive, come live with us” I understand that every other country is bigger, so your jobs may be much further away from home, but would you have considered prioritising job searches to those nearer your parents' home? Please don't flame me, I really just want to understand more. Is the cultural effect that great or is it because jobs are so scarce (also probably due to the bullshit interview processes they make us go through) in places that could be near you that forces you…

I hate landlords and billionaires as much as the next person on this sub. I'm not here to scorn anyone here. I'm just trying to understand because I'm from Singapore, a place where most young people stay with their parents until they have somewhat secured their home. Anyone who tries to rent would meet disdain from their parents saying “why waste money, rent is so expensive, come live with us”

I understand that every other country is bigger, so your jobs may be much further away from home, but would you have considered prioritising job searches to those nearer your parents' home?

Please don't flame me, I really just want to understand more. Is the cultural effect that great or is it because jobs are so scarce (also probably due to the bullshit interview processes they make us go through) in places that could be near you that forces you to move anyway, and there are other reasons which I would love to hear about them.

Thank you!

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