
Genuine question, why the fuck are we not in the middle of a working class revolution?

Title. I really do not understand it. We’ve had a MASSIVE technological boom, the likes of which we could not have possibly imagined 100, 50, hell even 20 years ago. We can automate damn near every process necessary for human survival. We can automate damn near every process necessary for happy, fulfilling lives for all people. We can provide food, clean drinking water, and happily livable shelter to all people on the planet. And yet we live under the constant threat of homelessness or death under capitalism. Why the fuck are the working class not uniting and revolting in the streets right now?

Title. I really do not understand it. We’ve had a MASSIVE technological boom, the likes of which we could not have possibly imagined 100, 50, hell even 20 years ago. We can automate damn near every process necessary for human survival. We can automate damn near every process necessary for happy, fulfilling lives for all people. We can provide food, clean drinking water, and happily livable shelter to all people on the planet. And yet we live under the constant threat of homelessness or death under capitalism. Why the fuck are the working class not uniting and revolting in the streets right now?

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