
Get terminated (fired) and you collect UI advice on r/antiwork

I’m no fan of most managers, fully understand that HR is not your friend and know companies only consider their own best interests when making business decisions. I’ll most likely get a ton of negative karma and responses here but; all the advise to “document and get fired so you can collect UnEmployMent” is crazy! $200 -$300 a week in UI compensation (if your lucky) is not enough to live on in any state. Pays for some gas and some food at best. Make car payments, mortgage or rent – not happening. Constructive advice on dealing with and getting though a negative work situation is useful. Suggest OP does x,y & z to get through the negative situation and seek a better employment opportunity is helpful. Suggesting UI as a viable option in reality; is not. Sure “sticking it to the man” to make them pay for higher UI claims…

I’m no fan of most managers, fully understand that HR is not your friend and know companies only consider their own best interests when making business decisions.

I’ll most likely get a ton of negative karma and responses here but; all the advise to “document and get fired so you can collect UnEmployMent” is crazy!

$200 -$300 a week in UI compensation (if your lucky) is not enough to live on in any state. Pays for some gas and some food at best. Make car payments, mortgage or rent – not happening.

Constructive advice on dealing with and getting though a negative work situation is useful. Suggest OP does x,y & z to get through the negative situation and seek a better employment opportunity is helpful. Suggesting UI as a viable option in reality; is not.

Sure “sticking it to the man” to make them pay for higher UI claims is admirable and I encourage sticking it to them whenever possible; living on UI will lead to homelessness.

As an individual we have no power – a good union / collective bargaining is the way – IMO.

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