
Getting disillusioned about the hard-work myth

In last 3 years I made a huge difference in the business that I was working at. We grew about 8x in this time and marketing which I lead was responsible for 50% of that growth. My title is „Marketing Manager”. Aside from that I led about 20 marketing projects for our clients. I was working really hard and everyone said that this would give me a „great future”. Yet here I am. I’m underpaid at my current and decided to switch jobs. It’s my 3rd month looking for a new job in marketing. After 30 applications and 10 interviews later I got feedback that… I don’t have international experience. I have too little experience to become a manager. My last company was too small and they wouldn’t trust me with higher budget. I have too much experience in management to be specialist (overqualified). They decided to take someone with…

In last 3 years I made a huge difference in the business that I was working at. We grew about 8x in this time and marketing which I lead was responsible for 50% of that growth. My title is „Marketing Manager”.

Aside from that I led about 20 marketing projects for our clients.

I was working really hard and everyone said that this would give me a „great future”. Yet here I am.

I’m underpaid at my current and decided to switch jobs.

It’s my 3rd month looking for a new job in marketing.

After 30 applications and 10 interviews later I got feedback that…

I don’t have international experience.

I have too little experience to become a manager.

My last company was too small and they wouldn’t trust me with higher budget.

I have too much experience in management to be specialist (overqualified).

They decided to take someone with industry experience.

They decided to go for another candidate.


Nobody gives a shit about the growth that I achieved at my last company. Truly nobody cares.

Nobody cares how much I took on my plate. Nobody cares how hard I worked.

Fuck I’m salty.

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