
Getting more work than others?

Hi everyone! For context, I am in a team at work and we were recently assigned work for a new project. However, out of a group of 8, only me and my direct manager were assigned the tasks. Mind you, she gets paid more than me. I am just confused… other team members have been here longer than me. I’m good at my job but its so unfair. I’ve also been the only one picked for other projects. Is “unfair” something I can bring up to my boss? Or is there another way to say “leave me alone, I just want to do my job like the others”. I’m just frustrated… I’ve already been thinking of a job change soon and this situation is only making me want to start job searching sooner. Let me know of any advice, thanks!

Hi everyone! For context, I am in a team at work and we were recently assigned work for a new project. However, out of a group of 8, only me and my direct manager were assigned the tasks. Mind you, she gets paid more than me. I am just confused… other team members have been here longer than me. I’m good at my job but its so unfair. I’ve also been the only one picked for other projects. Is “unfair” something I can bring up to my boss? Or is there another way to say “leave me alone, I just want to do my job like the others”. I’m just frustrated… I’ve already been thinking of a job change soon and this situation is only making me want to start job searching sooner. Let me know of any advice, thanks!

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