
Getting paid less than I was told

I got a job about a month ago as a cashier at a grocery store, I asked to be making the same as I had been making at my last grocery store job ($16.40/hr) but they told me they were going to pay me $16.19/hour. I needed a job pretty bad cus I just started college, so I said ok. Lo and behold, I check my pay stub and they’ve been paying me $16.12 an hour. For reference, my old job was unionized (had to leave bc of high school) and I live in California. Should I ask for my pay to be fixed and maybe even demand back pay? I know it’s not a huge difference but it seems really sleezy to me.

I got a job about a month ago as a cashier at a grocery store, I asked to be making the same as I had been making at my last grocery store job ($16.40/hr) but they told me they were going to pay me $16.19/hour. I needed a job pretty bad cus I just started college, so I said ok. Lo and behold, I check my pay stub and they’ve been paying me $16.12 an hour. For reference, my old job was unionized (had to leave bc of high school) and I live in California. Should I ask for my pay to be fixed and maybe even demand back pay? I know it’s not a huge difference but it seems really sleezy to me.

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