
Getting screwed over (yet again)

A few weeks ago I asked for a raise that would bring my salary up to the industry standard. I provided market research to back this up as well as presented my achievements over the past 12 months which included bringing in new work (and two of our biggest projects to date) to the company. Regardless, this was apparently still not good enough and I was told they would only give me a $5K raise (I asked for about $13K). Today I finally got written confirmation of the raise only to see that it is now including superannuation which is 11% leaving my actual raise on my base salary at around $3.5K. I am livid but unsure it is worth the emotional anguish of bringing it up. The original discussion about the raise was verging on abusive and I just don’t know if I have it in me to repeat…

A few weeks ago I asked for a raise that would bring my salary up to the industry standard. I provided market research to back this up as well as presented my achievements over the past 12 months which included bringing in new work (and two of our biggest projects to date) to the company. Regardless, this was apparently still not good enough and I was told they would only give me a $5K raise (I asked for about $13K). Today I finally got written confirmation of the raise only to see that it is now including superannuation which is 11% leaving my actual raise on my base salary at around $3.5K.

I am livid but unsure it is worth the emotional anguish of bringing it up. The original discussion about the raise was verging on abusive and I just don’t know if I have it in me to repeat that. I would just quit however I need an income and there are very few jobs available in my field at the moment. So should I bring it up for a measly $1.5K? Or should I just continue to pray for the sweet release of death as that seems like my only way out?

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