Our company recently instituted a new bonus. Every month if you get a written compliment, which I tend to get every month, you get a $50 Visa gift card. At least that is what I was told. First month came and went and I enjoyed my visa gift card.
This month? Panera bread
I hate Panera bread
Not only is their food bland and tasteless even when they try and act like it's delicious, but I also don't eat meat. Oh but what about their pastries you say again bland. I would rather not even know that I got a compliment and be insulted by giving a f****** Panera bread gift card. Give me a goddamn Visa gift card that I can use everywhere I don't. Shop at Walmart but I would rather have a Walmart card at least then I could order something online.
Fucking Panera.
Just fuck Panera