
Girlfriends job requiring doctors note for 1 day

Hello, my girlfriend is sick, and called into work today. She has only called in 1 other day this calendar year with a migraine. She is prescribed medication for extreme migraines, and normally works through them. Last night she threw up in bed, and is really hurting so took today to rest. Her employer asked her for a doctors note, because she called in a couple of months ago with a migraine as well. No other employees are required to bring a doctors note unless they have called in 3 days in a row. Is this legal?

Hello, my girlfriend is sick, and called into work today. She has only called in 1 other day this calendar year with a migraine. She is prescribed medication for extreme migraines, and normally works through them. Last night she threw up in bed, and is really hurting so took today to rest.

Her employer asked her for a doctors note, because she called in a couple of months ago with a migraine as well. No other employees are required to bring a doctors note unless they have called in 3 days in a row. Is this legal?

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