
Given a choice that isn’t really a choice, probably will lose my job.

So I work at a branch of a very large company. A company that, by the way, just said they had their best quarter ever. Our branch is switching a bunch of us night shift workers to day shift, because we're producing more than we're selling, (was avoidable months ago if they had lowered our required nightly tonnage goals, but they refused), and so they need to, “right size”, us. Here is the issue. I just got a new place like, almost 3 weeks ago, and finally left an extended stay motel. Then, 2 weeks ago, I hit a deer. First accident ever in 19 years of driving, the thing came out of nowhere. I made the big boss aware of this. A lead at work has been giving me rides, I'm saving up for a new vehicle, as this one is totalled and worth less than the deductible, but…

So I work at a branch of a very large company. A company that, by the way, just said they had their best quarter ever. Our branch is switching a bunch of us night shift workers to day shift, because we're producing more than we're selling, (was avoidable months ago if they had lowered our required nightly tonnage goals, but they refused), and so they need to, “right size”, us.

Here is the issue. I just got a new place like, almost 3 weeks ago, and finally left an extended stay motel. Then, 2 weeks ago, I hit a deer. First accident ever in 19 years of driving, the thing came out of nowhere. I made the big boss aware of this. A lead at work has been giving me rides, I'm saving up for a new vehicle, as this one is totalled and worth less than the deductible, but that's gonna take a couple/few months since I have bills to pay too.

They called me in this morning to force me to day shift. I told him he's essentially firing me. He disagrees. I told him, my only ride from this town, to the town I work in, about 15 minutes away, works nights and isn't being switched. There are no local Uber type services here, so to pay for a ride early in the am, then again in the evening, would cost my whole paycheck every week, so no bills being paid, and no saving possible.

Everyone else who works there either lives in the town of the company, or in surrounding towns in the opposite direction I am, and trust me, I've asked around. No one is willing to take all that extra time and drive, especially for someone they don't even know, as I've worked night crew my whole time here, so I barely know anyone on days. Also, no public transport in this small town, especially not from this town to another and back.

I told him he's essentially firing me, to which he replies he's not, he's giving me a choice. Take a day shift spot, or lose my job. I told him if one of the choices isn't possible, or is highly improbable, it's the illusion of choice, not an actual choice. He said I have until the week after Thanksgiving to figure it out.

My life was finally improving. This is the best paying job I've ever had, I just got a new place, and I'm finally signed up for insurance after the company messed that up for me last enrollment, (though that was partially my mistake too, blame exists for both parties), so starting January I was finally going to be getting back on medicine to improve my quality of life, and possibly save my life too if I have sleep apnea as I suspect. Then the deer happened, and now this. I'm at a loss. Nothing in this town pays very good, at all, and especially not enough to pay my bills currently. It's all minimum wage, part time stuff. Life just decided it was gonna do what it does best, kick you when you're down.

I already know not to quit, and to make them end the employment, so I can attempt for unemployment. However I have no idea if I'd qualify for unemployment, as even though the situation is out of my control mostly, it's gonna end up being a termination for abscences, which may disqualify me? I'm just at my wits end. I thought, even though there were some bumps along the way, and I'm not perfect, that I was finally making the right choices. I'm just… Burnt out on the negativity at this point…

Sorry, needed to vent and rant.

Tl;dr: got new place, then hit deer, so no vehicle, forced to a different shift, will have no ride, basically fired/losing my job, life sucks right now.

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