
Given Less Than 24 Hours to Sign Up For Benefits At My New Job

Hey y’all, really not sure if this is the right place, but I appreciate all the input I see on other posts here, so I’m praying someone has some sound advice for me. Or at least to be pointed in the right direction. So I started a new job at the beginning of September. I’ve been patiently waiting since then for Open Enrollment season to get my benefits. I just turned 26 this year, so I’ve never had to get my own health insurance before. To say I know nothing about the topic is an understatement. The whole thing is very overwhelming. Well, I finally received an email on October 20th saying Open Enrollment season is here and to remember to sign up. I’m like sweet, my next day off is the 24th, let me save the email until then so I can take my time, talk with my parents,…

Hey y’all, really not sure if this is the right place, but I appreciate all the input I see on other posts here, so I’m praying someone has some sound advice for me. Or at least to be pointed in the right direction.

So I started a new job at the beginning of September. I’ve been patiently waiting since then for Open Enrollment season to get my benefits. I just turned 26 this year, so I’ve never had to get my own health insurance before. To say I know nothing about the topic is an understatement. The whole thing is very overwhelming.

Well, I finally received an email on October 20th saying Open Enrollment season is here and to remember to sign up. I’m like sweet, my next day off is the 24th, let me save the email until then so I can take my time, talk with my parents, and make sure I fill out everything correctly.

Tonight I get to my shift and the manager mentions to the team that Open Enrollment is now closed. I asked if this was a mistake, because I literally just got the email less than 3 days ago. She said no, it ended on the 21st. The 21st! Not even 24 hours after I got the email on the 20th. In the time between the 20th and the 21st, I was working and sleeping and going back to work. Not even a minute to enroll even if I had known about the quick deadline.

I double check the link I received to see if it’s possible it still works, and no, it’s expired. My manager couldn’t get in either. She advised me to send an email to HR, which I did immediately, and now I’m just waiting for a response.

I guess I don’t even know what I’m asking, I’m just looking for some kind of advice here. Are there any laws or anything I should look into/reference when talking with HR? Is it even legal to send someone an email saying Open Enrollment season is here, then close it the next day? I’m really freaking out because I’ve been without health insurance for 6 months already (when I looked into my state’s options in May, they were way out of my price range, so I decided to wait for Open Enrollment to come around), and it’s fucked up my life. I can’t wait another year for benefits to kick in.

If anyone can let me know what to expect, or offer advice on what, if anything, I can say to HR to ensure I get benefits for this year, I would be so so appreciative.

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