
Given Shit By Co-workers for Not Being At Work on a Day I Requested off and was Approved for

So for context, I am a diesel mechanic. Back in April, I bought two tickets to go see Pantera and Lamb of God on August 29th. Seeing as I had Tuesdays off and the 29th was a Tuesday, I saw no reason at the time to put in a time off request. So the months go by and I'm only getting more and more excited to see a band that I've loved since I was a kid and thought I'd never have a chance to see, so I kinda wouldn't shut up about it. Well, earlier this month, I had my days off changed, so I no longer had Tuesdays off. I went to my boss and said I would need the 29th off for my concert, and that I already had tickets, and was going. This is a full two weeks in advance, and he okayed the day off…

So for context, I am a diesel mechanic. Back in April, I bought two tickets to go see Pantera and Lamb of God on August 29th. Seeing as I had Tuesdays off and the 29th was a Tuesday, I saw no reason at the time to put in a time off request. So the months go by and I'm only getting more and more excited to see a band that I've loved since I was a kid and thought I'd never have a chance to see, so I kinda wouldn't shut up about it. Well, earlier this month, I had my days off changed, so I no longer had Tuesdays off. I went to my boss and said I would need the 29th off for my concert, and that I already had tickets, and was going. This is a full two weeks in advance, and he okayed the day off for me.
So the day finally comes and I went to my concert. It was an amazing night, spent with some close friends and my fiance, seeing one of my favorite bands play. And then today, I come to work, only to be confronted about my “No-Call-No-Show”, not by my boss, mind you, but a co-worker. My boss failed to make the schedule properly, and as it wasn't made until my days off had already started, I didn't even know he hadn't scheduled someone else. I was told “Even if you requested the day off, you have to get someone to cover for you”. I said “No the fuck I don't. I requested the time off two weeks ahead, and was given a yes, and was never told that the time off had been cancelled. So no, I don't need to find someone to cover a shift that I wasn't supposed to be scheduled for anyway”. I was then told that I'm a sack of shit, and that the only people that I hurt by “skipping” work was my co-workers, not my boss. I said “I didn't fucking 'skip' work, I requested time off and was approved. That is the extent of what I need to do, and it is not my responsibility to cover for someone else's mistake”. He then threatened to hit me and I told him to fuck off. My boss then pretended that I never said anything until my dad and uncle both confirmed that I did, in fact, tell him, and that they were here when I did. And then he changed his tune to “Well I guess I forgot” and told me that I'm getting a cut to my hours. So yeah. Great fuckin day at the shop.

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