
GM and DM make hostile work environment. What can be done?

Posting on behalf of a friend. Recently salaried employee feels that he their boss (general manager) and their bosses boss (district manager) have made the work environment toxic and hostile. Friend is a manager below GM. But is not allowed to make the schedule for their staff yet gets blamed for scheduling issues. Is responsible for the employees in their department yet isn't allowed in on their hiring processes. There have been several rude comments made to target this friend in manager group chats- blaming him for issues that bosses won't allow him to have control over or have input in any decision. If friend quits, it will be an uphill battle to find another job that pays half as decently as this one. But friend is slowly losing hope that they will turn around and make the company a better work environment for all. Besides leaving, is there anything…

Posting on behalf of a friend.

Recently salaried employee feels that he their boss (general manager) and their bosses boss (district manager) have made the work environment toxic and hostile. Friend is a manager below GM. But is not allowed to make the schedule for their staff yet gets blamed for scheduling issues. Is responsible for the employees in their department yet isn't allowed in on their hiring processes.

There have been several rude comments made to target this friend in manager group chats- blaming him for issues that bosses won't allow him to have control over or have input in any decision.

If friend quits, it will be an uphill battle to find another job that pays half as decently as this one. But friend is slowly losing hope that they will turn around and make the company a better work environment for all.

Besides leaving, is there anything this friend can do to mitigate issues and not get fired in the meantime? They just want to go back to school for their degree and then leave… 2 years tops but they've been working there since April 2023.. barely 6 months and they're already miserable.

TLDR: Friend hates job with toxic bosses but will have trouble getting another with decent pay or benefits. Can friend do anything to get through 2 more years of this?

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