
GM is pissed that she has to give me full time hours for a full time position

So this week at work has been a literal nightmare, and honestly, this is where I draw the line. For the past two weeks, our best manager has been out because she caught COVID. Ever since then, things have gone downhill, from me getting paid incorrectly to our power-tripping current GM yelling at me and closing the drive-thru window, saying, “I don't want the customers to hear me yelling at you guys.” She also yelled at me to stay in place when there were cars lined up outside the window, and she wouldn't let me move to get the apple fritters that the people at the drive-thru window were waiting for. I feel like this has really angered me the most. ​ So around three weeks ago, I submitted a notice that my schedule would be changing due to college classes. No Mondays due to nursing classes and no Sundays…

So this week at work has been a literal nightmare, and honestly, this is where I draw the line. For the past two weeks, our best manager has been out because she caught COVID. Ever since then, things have gone downhill, from me getting paid incorrectly to our power-tripping current GM yelling at me and closing the drive-thru window, saying, “I don't want the customers to hear me yelling at you guys.” She also yelled at me to stay in place when there were cars lined up outside the window, and she wouldn't let me move to get the apple fritters that the people at the drive-thru window were waiting for. I feel like this has really angered me the most.

So around three weeks ago, I submitted a notice that my schedule would be changing due to college classes. No Mondays due to nursing classes and no Sundays (which I made them aware of upon hiring – and also NEEDING no less than 35 hours a week for college tuition and rent which is high bc I am in NY) due to personal reasons and needing a rest day due to my disability. But they pretty much have my entire week besides that. All I wanted were 7 a.m. to afternoon shifts, just not closing ones.

So the good manager had no issue with it and was the one I told about it. As soon as it was time to do those early mornings I asked for into early afternoons, I got a great schedule. She had no issues with that. Then lo and behold, she got COVID. She was our most functional and supportive manager, and with her out, here comes the really rude manager along with an even worse manager turning things into a mess

Here's the thing tho. We're supposed to have our schedules for the upcoming week posted every Thursday or Friday. Guess how long it took? We got our schedules 3 hours before Monday. All of the schedules are distorted, one of my coworkers only has one day off, and a brand new hire can only work 24 hours a week BUT is forced to do more. It's an actual mess. The schedule was made by a manager who only comes around to yell at us and scold us, the most recent example being her telling us to just walk out and leave if we can't get things out of the drive-through in a ~1-2 minute timeframe while also cleaning the ENTIRE building and setting unrealistic expectations that most of us are really pissed about tbh

However, my schedule is what's bothering me the most because I gave them three weeks' notice already and they gave me the most undoable hours, it's like they want me to quit but I'm one of the only new hires that stayed while the 5 others they hired quit. Monday, I'm scheduled all day to close, Tuesday off, and then closing shifts until Friday. I can't do any of the closing shifts due to afternoon college classes, can't do Monday because I have nursing classes, and… 24 hours this week is insane. Like, in NY, you can't live off part-time making $16 an hour and I'm not disabled enough to qualify for disability (IBS) so this is just. Ugh

What the hell do I even do? Do I just not show up? But if I don't show up, I'll get fired. As soon as the schedule was posted, I sent a message to the work group chat saying I can't work any of these hours and my schedule was changed weeks ago. The power-tripping GM goes, “find someone to cover for you, I don't make the schedule.” Uhuh, I'm sure you don't. Hilarious how concerned she was about my schedule tho when she told me to clock out 10 minutes before close and stay an hour later so she wouldn't get in legal trouble for making me work 7 hours without a break two weeks ago, she forced me to not go on breaks for 3 days straight and just said to clock out early and go unpaid so she doesnt get in trouble with NYS.

She then started yapping me out when I mentioned how 24 hours a week is unlivable and besides the fact that I have things to do during those hours and cant show up, and it's not what I was hired for, that being a full-time position. She told me she doesn't know who hired me (The good manager hired me) but my schedule will follow the needs of the store, despite whether I was hired full-time or part time?? How tf does that work, I was not made aware of that when I first got hired. She made it a big deal in the gc and it was miserable to watch.

Man, I hate fast food. I can't wait to get out of this. Should I just not… show up though? I can't show up tomorrow, I have no choice. But I'm scared to lose my job. What do I even do bc I can't work any of these hours ?? They had THREE weeks man…

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