
GM upset I got Covid and couldn’t work

Today I went back to work after battling Covid for a solid week. I really don't feel 100% but I went back because it's really busy and I know that it's a tough time for everyone at the college cafeteria where I am the Ops Manager for a large food service corporation, Sodexo. I pretty much got talked to by my GM today for not communicating and delegating responsibilities while out of the office. I realize that this is a huge responsibility but this is also a position that my boss has taken care of himself along with his duties as the general manager and exec chef before the new chef and I were hired! He has been there for years and has faced a lot of challenges because of covid, short staff, etc. I don't dislike my boss, he's usually level headed about most things but he's treating my…

Today I went back to work after battling Covid for a solid week. I really don't feel 100% but I went back because it's really busy and I know that it's a tough time for everyone at the college cafeteria where I am the Ops Manager for a large food service corporation, Sodexo. I pretty much got talked to by my GM today for not communicating and delegating responsibilities while out of the office. I realize that this is a huge responsibility but this is also a position that my boss has taken care of himself along with his duties as the general manager and exec chef before the new chef and I were hired! He has been there for years and has faced a lot of challenges because of covid, short staff, etc. I don't dislike my boss, he's usually level headed about most things but he's treating my illness with Covid like it was a small cold or something. I went to the Dr after a few days into my illness and got a Dr's note. He informed HR that I should be put on a leave of absence and basically told me today that he “had to get HR involved” like it's a bad thing? I worked from home on my days away from the college, trying to get everything taken care of as much as I could but I was not physically there to inform staff of responsibilities. Trust me I would have done all that and more if I didn't have some of the most excruciatingly painful headaches, body aches, complete fatigue etc. I just don't know what more I could have done? I honestly can't wrap my head around how inconsiderate he has been over this. Is it me or has people's perception towards Covid changed a lot, like they don't see it as much of an issue anymore? I'm just trying to figure out how my boss could be this nonchalant about my recent fate with Covid.

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