
Goals Conversation w Boss

I’m sorry if this isn’t the correct place to post this. Looking for advice. My boss keeps bringing up that we need to talk about my goals at work but I have given up on trying to promote at my company (for reasons I won’t bore you with) and started actively interviewing with hopes to leave by the end of the year. I no longer care about my job, it’s been 4 years and I’m tired of being mistreated and underpaid and when I have brought it up to leaders, it falls on deaf ears so I stopped sharing how I felt and decided it’s just time to find something else. How do I fake this professional growth conversation with her? I can’t even pretend to care about my goals and what’s needed to move up. Or do I share that I’m looking to leave the company?

I’m sorry if this isn’t the correct place to post this. Looking for advice. My boss keeps bringing up that we need to talk about my goals at work but I have given up on trying to promote at my company (for reasons I won’t bore you with) and started actively interviewing with hopes to leave by the end of the year. I no longer care about my job, it’s been 4 years and I’m tired of being mistreated and underpaid and when I have brought it up to leaders, it falls on deaf ears so I stopped sharing how I felt and decided it’s just time to find something else. How do I fake this professional growth conversation with her? I can’t even pretend to care about my goals and what’s needed to move up. Or do I share that I’m looking to leave the company?

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