
Going through a divorce and I keep being put onas a bartender at wedding receptions

The first wedding reception I did I came back and cried myself to sleep, I was a wreck the whole day, and since that day I've stopped doing all the extra shit like answering the phones and general going the extra mile type shit that isn't actually my job but I do because I care (cared). They just put me on for another one which I told the manager I'm not doing, she says I don't get to pick my shifts, I'm on a zero hour contract the way it works is that shifts are offered to me and I accept them, I don't have to accept them, I've done nothing wrong and yet my family is pressuring me to just suck it up, or get someone to swap shifts with me, I don't feel like the other grunts at my level should have to pick up the slack for…

The first wedding reception I did I came back and cried myself to sleep, I was a wreck the whole day, and since that day I've stopped doing all the extra shit like answering the phones and general going the extra mile type shit that isn't actually my job but I do because I care (cared). They just put me on for another one which I told the manager I'm not doing, she says I don't get to pick my shifts, I'm on a zero hour contract the way it works is that shifts are offered to me and I accept them, I don't have to accept them, I've done nothing wrong and yet my family is pressuring me to just suck it up, or get someone to swap shifts with me, I don't feel like the other grunts at my level should have to pick up the slack for the management's fuckups. I shouldn't feel like I owe someone a favour for not doing a shift for minimum wage that'll leave me in tears.

The other staff feel the same way, everyone's had their own version of this post with their own situation. I've joined a union now as a result, and I'm telling anyone I think is cool (won't go to the managers about this) to do the same. Unionbusting doesn't cover joining a national union, it's about stopping us from starting our own union.

Btw I fucking hate the phrase “need some more bodies on x”. Just say we need more people, why reduce us to bodies. We're not prostitutes ffs.

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