
Gonna live in a van down by the river

By choice, and I'm actually quite excited about what it means for the future. Quick disclaimer I cut out a lot of context because I just started typing to fill time at work and it turned into a life story, but ain't nobody got time for dat, also obvious privacy reasons so you get what you get. Also gonna include a TLDR at the bottom because I'm nice and know that it's still quite a lot. But yeah anyway long story short my life didn't go exactly the way that I expected or wanted it to, but now I am where I am and along the way I acquired a van that I own outright. Yeah I know it's weird and creepy, but I love the freedom that it gives me and the memories made traveling in it, and because of that I haven't been able to part with the…

By choice, and I'm actually quite excited about what it means for the future.

Quick disclaimer I cut out a lot of context because I just started typing to fill time at work and it turned into a life story, but ain't nobody got time for dat, also obvious privacy reasons so you get what you get. Also gonna include a TLDR at the bottom because I'm nice and know that it's still quite a lot.

But yeah anyway long story short my life didn't go exactly the way that I expected or wanted it to, but now I am where I am and along the way I acquired a van that I own outright. Yeah I know it's weird and creepy, but I love the freedom that it gives me and the memories made traveling in it, and because of that I haven't been able to part with the damn thing. Yes, I own another vehicle so I'm not just a creepy van guy showing up to dates in the thing.

Well now that that's all outta the way, I can get to the part where this post earns its place on this sub:
My Hate for the Rat Race. I hate it. I hate going to a job that I don't particularly like or care about 5 days a week just to not be forced homeless or starve. Granted, given my current savings, those scenarios are unlikely, but I also hate the thought of hemorrhaging my savings if I say the wrong thing to my boss. Those savings were meant for a better future, but it's a better future that should have happened by now!

Don't want to get into a pissing contest or anything here, but in my opinion I worked harder and made more sacrifices than most people, here in the land of opportunity. I joined the military and never took on college debt, or debt of any kind for that matter. I applied myself, worked hard, invested, got a bit lucky with the timing of it, and made a frustrating amount of money where I'm stuck in a weird limbo status. While I certainly have more than the average American that essentially lives paycheck to paycheck, it's still not quite enough to own a house outright.

Yeah, I get it, boo hoo, woe is me and my money, humble brag flex, whatever. But I just feel trapped renting and working. I work to afford rent and save a measley amount every month that really doesn't make a difference. Why do I rent? Well so I can have a place to sleep so that I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for work, of course! Bottom line, if you are renting or paying a mortgage (so basically anything other than owning outright) you are at the mercy of your employer. You are stuck working for the man instead of being your own man. I've had it! I'm done with it!

So I've made up my mind: when my lease runs out in the spring, I'm not renewing. I'm also not moving. I'm just gonna refit my van for the luxury lot lizard lifestyle once again and park outside of Planet Fatness (I have a black card membership that is used for showers/shits/phone charging/water bottle refilling. A regular membership would work, but the black card membership also provides massage chairs and mobility, which are mental health game changers when living like that). My job thankfully pays well, and with how much I am currently paying for rent, I would be making BANK every month by not paying it. No, I don't want to rent a cheap, cockroach ridden room somewhere for $500. I want out. I've had enough. I'm getting out ASAP.

By my calculations, if I do this and work the occasional overtime weekend, I'm about 6 months of work away from owning a 2bed 1bath house with a yard in a decent enough area. If I rented even a $500 room from somebody we're suddenly talking years, so point Vanlife. I can't really buy the thing now because I will have to move to where housing is more affordable first, and if I did that now then I would have to change jobs and work for longer. Fuck that. I am DONE!

By this time next year I will be done working for the man. I will be my own man, with my own house, that nobody can take away from me so long as I pay property taxes. I will be able to do whatever I want, both in a general sense and in money making terms, because if rent is covered then any job covers the bills. I already have what I am calling forever furniture that will be in storage while I do the Vanlife I'm-technically-not-homeless lifehack, so I'm good there. My calculations also include a small buffer of a few months of being able to afford the usual bills that aren't rent, so I can truly bask in my newly purchased freedom once I have it.

Yeah, I hear you, I will still have to work from time to time to pay for food, bills, and property taxes. But that's just it, I'm not doing this to buy a house, I'm doing this to buy freedom.

I will be able to work for 3 months and cover my expenses for the rest of the year. I will be able to work on myself and my passions instead of whatever my boss assigns me. I will be able to take so many vacations that it makes Europeans look on with envy. I will be able to hit the open road with my dog for months on end and still have a place to return to and live a less claustrophobic life when I grow tired of it. What's that? I suddenly want a boat and a truck to haul it? I can buy both outright in mere months if I go used. THAT is freedom, or at least the closest thing to it.

Rent is the #1 tool that employers use to fuck over employees/keep them in line. I am removing that as an option. If I am working for you, consider yourself lucky. I really can work anywhere for my bills, from McDonald's to Megacorp to Mom & Pop's bumfuck nowhere shop. Give me a task that I don't want to do, even if it's kinda in my job description? Too bad. What're gonna do, fire me? Go ahead, I'm still good and don't have to stress at all.

So yeah, if it's within your means, give Vanlife a try, and use it to take power back from your employer.

If you read all of this mad rant, thanks I guess. Hope you don't feel completely robbed of your time. Hope things go well for you in your future, too. Make it happen.

TLDR: Guy owns a van outright and is gonna live in it to not pay rent and save up for a home in a short amount of time. The house is not just a house, but also freedom, financially and otherwise. Work sucks

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