
Good boss posts

Let me start by saying I'm a leftist, I abhor capitalism, but I am also a person that lives in a capitalist system. I am a restaurant manager, I am no longer an hourly worker. Now, to get to the point of the post, I've seen a lot of posts on here about managers doing a solid for their employees. I recently had an employee have a seizure in the beverage station. She was taken to the hospital, when I got off I went to visit her and make sure she was OK. The next day I told her to take as much time as she needed to recover and her job would be secure. Well, on her first day back she brought me a gift basket for being so “understanding”. I thanked her profusely but had to explain that it wasn't necessary because that is the BARE MINIMUM any…

Let me start by saying I'm a leftist, I abhor capitalism, but I am also a person that lives in a capitalist system. I am a restaurant manager, I am no longer an hourly worker. Now, to get to the point of the post, I've seen a lot of posts on here about managers doing a solid for their employees. I recently had an employee have a seizure in the beverage station. She was taken to the hospital, when I got off I went to visit her and make sure she was OK. The next day I told her to take as much time as she needed to recover and her job would be secure. Well, on her first day back she brought me a gift basket for being so “understanding”. I thanked her profusely but had to explain that it wasn't necessary because that is the BARE MINIMUM any manager should do for their employee. She should've been paid for any recovery time, she shouldn't have had to worry if her job was secure, it shouldn't have been a question. She should've been able to say I won't be back until I'm ready. So, back to the title of this rant, there are no “good bosses”. There are bosses that don't buy into the system and actually think about their workers lives, but that doesn't make them a “good boss”. I'm not a good boss, i exploit my workers as little as possible, but I still exploit them to make sure my job is secure. Bosses and work in it's current form shouldn't exist, and that's what this sub was started for.

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