
Good Manager leaves…. Incompetency ensues

So over the last year I have been more of a passive viewer as work was working for me and I was very happy, which was odd for me. However, my good manager moved departments and chaos is slowly brewing. Manager moved to a different department. It is important to note that this had been agreed 3-6 months ago so plenty of time to sort a replacement was there. Said managers manager (MM), now mine, lost the budget and the Band 4 role to replace my manager and now is 'running' the team I got promoted. I came in to replace someone who got promoted but then found another role outside the company. After failing to find a replacement I applied for the role and got it. This upset another member of my team who used to be above me in another department. As per previous point MM lost the…

So over the last year I have been more of a passive viewer as work was working for me and I was very happy, which was odd for me. However, my good manager moved departments and chaos is slowly brewing.

Manager moved to a different department. It is important to note that this had been agreed 3-6 months ago so plenty of time to sort a replacement was there. Said managers manager (MM), now mine, lost the budget and the Band 4 role to replace my manager and now is 'running' the team

I got promoted. I came in to replace someone who got promoted but then found another role outside the company. After failing to find a replacement I applied for the role and got it. This upset another member of my team who used to be above me in another department. As per previous point MM lost the budget and the band 6 role I was on and I'm now doing the same role as before but at higher pay but no direction.

Said colleague who wasn't happy at being a band below me, even though I have literally no managerial/supervisory authority whatsoever, decided to move down one desk due to the 'noise' I created while working, said noise is listening to music via earphones and occassionally tapping. I was pulled in by MM about this and told they had conversations with me about it and was upset that I had still carried on making 'noise'. I pointed out saying “bit loud” while making a tapping action and if this was the multiple conversations it was extremely patronising and I took it to mean less tapping.

MM sends out a form to fill in asking us to put in our WFH days. Rule had been 3 in 2 WFH but if we had to we would come in on said days if there was meetings that couldn't be done over teams. Someone put 3 days for this week and in turn MM has decided that as of now it will be 4 in and only one day WFH. When asked about why and what the benefits of this were that got ignored and told that was the way forward as it was a team policy, which is interesting as he allows one person to come into the office once a month if that.

I responded to MM saying how disappointed I am about the decison and lack of conversation about this, I might have used disappointed about 10 times in the email. Going forward it's going to be a work to rule for me if this is the policy. I appreciate there are people that have gone back to the office full time or work in manual roles so it might come across as bit pretentious of me to be annoyed at losing a day at home but it's the way in which its been done by an old school manager

TLDR: Good manager left and out touch person comes in and destroys team morale through being out of touch

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