
Got a company shirt for our Christmas gift

A fucking shift. That cost 1/6 of what we make an hour, with our branch name lazily ironed on the back. I was insulted at first but now it's just making me angry. For context, last year everyone got custom lunchboxes. Super nice. Yall, we killed it this year, added an entire shift to meet demand. I enjoy my job even if I have my grievances. But seriously a shirt? Fuck you

A fucking shift. That cost 1/6 of what we make an hour, with our branch name lazily ironed on the back. I was insulted at first but now it's just making me angry. For context, last year everyone got custom lunchboxes. Super nice. Yall, we killed it this year, added an entire shift to meet demand. I enjoy my job even if I have my grievances.

But seriously a shirt?

Fuck you

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