
Got a formal warning at work for selling a car.

It's a little bit of a anger rant butt thought all y'all would enjoy. So basically I just recently got hired to work at a car dealership that has a car wash area and I'm a detailer that works for twelve dollars an hour and it was the end of my shift yesterday I had about an hour left there's no cars nothing to do nothing to clean and a gentleman walked up to me and was talking to me. Just general guy on guy talk and he explained he wanted to buy a new vehicle for his 18 y/o daughter and he was thinking to buy a big ass pickup truck and I was like unless your daughter is a farm girl or a construction girl she's not going to use it so how about getting her a nice hybrid car it has really good gas mileage they're about…

It's a little bit of a anger rant butt thought all y'all would enjoy.
So basically I just recently got hired to work at a car dealership that has a car wash area and I'm a detailer that works for twelve dollars an hour and it was the end of my shift yesterday I had about an hour left there's no cars nothing to do nothing to clean and a gentleman walked up to me and was talking to me. Just general guy on guy talk and he explained he wanted to buy a new vehicle for his 18 y/o daughter and he was thinking to buy a big ass pickup truck and I was like unless your daughter is a farm girl or a construction girl she's not going to use it so how about getting her a nice hybrid car it has really good gas mileage they're about the same price and he says yeah sure and he goes I'll buy one so we go get a representative and he buys the car I thought I was going to get rewarded maybe get a little bit of extra cash because I got to sell a car no instead the boss comes over to me and yells and screams at me that I am not allowed to talk to customers I am to never talk to customers and this is my final warning if I do anything like that again I am fired I'm on thin ice apparently. Shrug lifes a bitch. Guess i gotta stay in my lane.

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