
Got a job offer and was let go by my old job on the same day

My mind is fucked, this is the most ABSURD thing that has ever happened to me. I got a way better job offer, fully remote, more pay, more in line with my career etc. even the glass door reviews are like 2x better. Then I went to work to resign immediately because I hate this place. My old boss was a micromanager, condescending, didn’t let me listen to podcasts while I worked (I’m a dev), and rude. He constantly put me down and I hated working with him I walked in and said “we need a word”, I then explained I’m resigning and he immediately nodded his head. I explained why and he responded “well the feeling is mutual we were going to have a very tough conversation today.” Then he explained that he wasn’t pleased with my work and that I was late too often (fair enough the commute…

My mind is fucked, this is the most ABSURD thing that has ever happened to me. I got a way better job offer, fully remote, more pay, more in line with my career etc. even the glass door reviews are like 2x better. Then I went to work to resign immediately because I hate this place. My old boss was a micromanager, condescending, didn’t let me listen to podcasts while I worked (I’m a dev), and rude. He constantly put me down and I hated working with him

I walked in and said “we need a word”, I then explained I’m resigning and he immediately nodded his head. I explained why and he responded “well the feeling is mutual we were going to have a very tough conversation today.” Then he explained that he wasn’t pleased with my work and that I was late too often (fair enough the commute was awful.)

This is so funny I feel a mixture of sadness but euphoria and all that comes out is insane laughter. I’m incredibly lucky but also incredibly unlucky. The fuck?!?

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