
Got a “promotion”… with no raise.

Long story short: at my two year review, was originally told I wouldn’t receive any raise or promotion. This was back in May. My direct supervisor kept asking more on my behalf from upper management, despite me just saying not to force it if they’re not willing on the first ask. After months of negotiations between her and upper management, she finally told me yesterday I would receive a promotion (adding a “II” to my title). After signing paper with HR, I told my boss no one has given me number for my new pay. She then says promotion didn’t come a raise… instead I would maybe get the higher perfectage of the annual bonus, which we don’t get for another 6 months and everyone gets anyways. To make matters even more frustrating, about 4 or 5 people have quit, retired, or been fired just in the past month alone,…

Long story short: at my two year review, was originally told I wouldn’t receive any raise or promotion. This was back in May. My direct supervisor kept asking more on my behalf from upper management, despite me just saying not to force it if they’re not willing on the first ask.

After months of negotiations between her and upper management, she finally told me yesterday I would receive a promotion (adding a “II” to my title). After signing paper with HR, I told my boss no one has given me number for my new pay. She then says promotion didn’t come a raise… instead I would maybe get the higher perfectage of the annual bonus, which we don’t get for another 6 months and everyone gets anyways.

To make matters even more frustrating, about 4 or 5 people have quit, retired, or been fired just in the past month alone, even more if go further in the recent past. So I know for sure they have the money to afford even a small raise for me. 2 or 3 people who have just as much time with the company have been getting real promotions after their two year anniversary.

Really sucks because I’m planning to get engaged soon (already bought the ring) and was hoping to get a raise to afford a house, wedding, honeymoon etc. to give everything my girl deserves. I hate it here.

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