
Got Chewed Out for Clearing Pornography off Walmart Electronic Displays

Basically what it sounds like. For the last month I've been checking the displays daily to make sure these dumbass kids don't look up and leave porn on the devices. After about 3 weeks of it happening, I told my department leader we need to check the cameras and figure out who's doing it. Instead of anyone actually being left to keep an eye on the displays, I was told to “take a breath” and “calm down” instead of get pissed that no one is keeping the porn off the fucking displays that CHILDREN have access to. Children are capable of turning these devices on and opening up the browsers. 90% of the time, these bastards leave PornHub up on the browser so when you open it, it's the first thing you see. In case anyone is wondering, refusing or neglecting to clear this off the devices is illegal. We…

Basically what it sounds like. For the last month I've been checking the displays daily to make sure these dumbass kids don't look up and leave porn on the devices. After about 3 weeks of it happening, I told my department leader we need to check the cameras and figure out who's doing it.

Instead of anyone actually being left to keep an eye on the displays, I was told to “take a breath” and “calm down” instead of get pissed that no one is keeping the porn off the fucking displays that CHILDREN have access to.

Children are capable of turning these devices on and opening up the browsers. 90% of the time, these bastards leave PornHub up on the browser so when you open it, it's the first thing you see. In case anyone is wondering, refusing or neglecting to clear this off the devices is illegal. We cannot knowingly allow pornographic material to remain on the devices so long as minors are able to handle them.

But my team lead instead gets irritated with me for being pissed off about this and telling him the cameras need to be checked and tells me to go do something else instead of worry about it.

I don't know about him, but I have no intention of having the cops come down and fine me because he's telling me not to check the devices. I'm going to laugh my ass off when he has the cops come in asking about this cause a parent sees it happens and he tries to blame someone else for him telling us to essentially ignore it.

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