
Got f*cked, so they’ll get f*cked harder…

So, I was let go for a non-visable disability. human Resources asked for an accommodation request to be submitted because I mentioned that the issues they were still having sounded like my disability's symptoms. I was going in for a change in medication and seeing a counsellor over a traumatic event that happened a few months prior, so I was fine to get the paperwork also filled out by my doctor. Well, a week after I get a call for a meeting and to bring a Union rep. I panicked a little because I wasn't able to get my anxiety meds until the up coming pay day, but I managed to calm down thinking it was just to let the Union know what accommodations I'd be getting approved for. (I only asked for people to email any extra tasks and to wait until the afternoon to bother me unless it…

So, I was let go for a non-visable disability. human Resources asked for an accommodation request to be submitted because I mentioned that the issues they were still having sounded like my disability's symptoms. I was going in for a change in medication and seeing a counsellor over a traumatic event that happened a few months prior, so I was fine to get the paperwork also filled out by my doctor.

Well, a week after I get a call for a meeting and to bring a Union rep. I panicked a little because I wasn't able to get my anxiety meds until the up coming pay day, but I managed to calm down thinking it was just to let the Union know what accommodations I'd be getting approved for. (I only asked for people to email any extra tasks and to wait until the afternoon to bother me unless it was important so I could focus on my core duties, and not to stand directly behind me talking.)

What I wasn't prepared for was to be suddenly fired and told that they determined it wasn't because of my disability… well, describing my disability's symptoms as the reason they were letting me go. I go so overwhelmed by stress after yelling at them that this was a obvious Human Rights violation, that I had a full blown panic attack, because again I was waiting for pay day to get my new medications.

The Union rep finds me an has me file a grievance, because even though they were talking about an extended probation, they still were obliged to give me a 2 weeks notice by federal laws (or 2 weeks pay in lieu of notice) and if they wanted to pull that card they should have did that 3 months ago, because my probation to not be covered by the Union ended earlier because I was already apart of the Union for a year prior and their rules allow for a 3 month extension for existing members not the 6 month extension for new members.

I was also wasn't told about my right to have a Union rep present at all my meetings with management and most of the meetings didn't even allow me to schedule a rep to sit in with us, anyway.

Problem is I was also on a 16 month contract which they have not paid me out of because they broke the contract, meaning not only do they owe my 2 weeks but also nearly $20k to buy out my contract. Plus, they shorted me on the payday I was waiting on and had to beg a family member to pay my rent due to this.

I called the Union office to get an ETA on when the grievance would go through, and they told me a business month from the day filed… which means this month I'm going to be out another $2,200 that I had plans to pay to fix a vehicle I'm selling and next month's rent (and pay back my family a bit) along with my basic needs.

Unemployment is only going to pay out a week as they have a delay. I am also not fully unemployed, I have a casual/part-time gig, but the sudden drop in funds I suffered justified filing immediately to let the federal government know what's happening.

Anyway, in the meantime I've set up a GoFundMe fundraiser just because I don't know if I'll be homeless next month or not, and I need to pay for gas and my dog's food while I figure things out with the Union and Human Rights. This happened to me in the past and that company settled before we went to court because they knew they fucked up, even without a union involved.

I find this funny too, because the office had people that had service dogs and hearing aids for visible disabilities, but couldn't understand that non-visable disabilities exist too.

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