
Got fired 3 years into a job over a background check I should have had before even being hired.

So I am a bus driver in NJ. It’s a passenger van not a big yellow bus but nonetheless I still needed an endorsed CDL license to drive. Along with my CDL, I needed a criminal background check because I would be dealing with children. My employers were kind of shady and money hungry, so they allowed me to drive without obtaining neither the background nor my CDL. I happily did my job every day for 3 whole school years (summer included) without an issue until I get into a minor fender bender in which I was not at fault. No one was injured but I followed what I thought would be the proper protocol since we had none to begin with. I knew something fishy was up when they told me to tell the students not to say anything about the incident since no one was hurt. I did…

So I am a bus driver in NJ. It’s a passenger van not a big yellow bus but nonetheless I still needed an endorsed CDL license to drive. Along with my CDL, I needed a criminal background check because I would be dealing with children. My employers were kind of shady and money hungry, so they allowed me to drive without obtaining neither the background nor my CDL.

I happily did my job every day for 3 whole school years (summer included) without an issue until I get into a minor fender bender in which I was not at fault. No one was injured but I followed what I thought would be the proper protocol since we had none to begin with. I knew something fishy was up when they told me to tell the students not to say anything about the incident since no one was hurt. I did not comply, but I guess they didn’t say anything because nothing was reported. Shortly that day after the incident, I felt like they were scum, because they asked me for my info so I can be added onto the insurance in which I should have been on.

I guess with them in fear of possible litigation, they rushed to make the proper protocol to get my fingerprints done. My results came back showing my background in which I was honest of to begin with, subsequently getting me fired. (It was petty mess from me being wild at 18 years of age, I’m 33 now). They fired me through text, and I never received a copy of my background check. 3 YEARS LATER.

I immediately filed for unemployment and they told them I quit. I DID NOT. Now that I think about it, I didn’t sign a W2 or 1099 or anything this whole time.

Is there anything worth seeking counsel for?

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