
Got fired and cut half my wages, I’m still playing catch up because of someone’s lies.

I (28M) lost my job back in June. A job I always wanted to be in. I moved cross country. I went to school. I did everything I could to get what I thought was my dream job and yet I got fired. Told I was incompetent and lazy. I am the primary bread winner while my wife is SAHW. And now our income has been slashed and we're struggling to make ends meet. I have a new job but it's barely carrying us and I feel like the biggest let down to my wife. She loves me but I hate the pain of it all knowing we're struggling.

I (28M) lost my job back in June. A job I always wanted to be in. I moved cross country. I went to school. I did everything I could to get what I thought was my dream job and yet I got fired. Told I was incompetent and lazy. I am the primary bread winner while my wife is SAHW. And now our income has been slashed and we're struggling to make ends meet.

I have a new job but it's barely carrying us and I feel like the biggest let down to my wife. She loves me but I hate the pain of it all knowing we're struggling.

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