
Got fired, coworkers stole cash tips. Second time this happened working for the same restaurant owner (M)

So first time I was working at M’s pizza shop, he hired a guy that felt like he was entitled to an entire shifts tips and he acted like he was gonna do something about it but afaik he never did. Fast forward, didn’t get along there so he offered me a job at his other restaurant. Got fired because again, not getting along. Whatever. This time though, the guy I closed with on monday didn’t split up the tips and I didn’t do it either so if he didn’t pocket them he distributed them out to everyone else. Which, I didn’t leave early or anything, when I was squaring up to leave we were done cleaning and everything was off. It’s not even about the money, the money is laundry money to me, this is about the fact that this has happened twice and the owner is just apparently…

So first time I was working at M’s pizza shop, he hired a guy that felt like he was entitled to an entire shifts tips and he acted like he was gonna do something about it but afaik he never did. Fast forward, didn’t get along there so he offered me a job at his other restaurant. Got fired because again, not getting along. Whatever. This time though, the guy I closed with on monday didn’t split up the tips and I didn’t do it either so if he didn’t pocket them he distributed them out to everyone else. Which, I didn’t leave early or anything, when I was squaring up to leave we were done cleaning and everything was off. It’s not even about the money, the money is laundry money to me, this is about the fact that this has happened twice and the owner is just apparently ok with letting it happen. Idk why motherfuckers feel entitled to steal from someone. If you don’t like me cool I’m not gonna lose sleep over it or think about I am gonna get pretty hype over blatant theft. This the shit that drove me to apply for school to get out of kitchens

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