
Got fired for getting my wisdom teeth removed

well, never thought I would make a post like this on this new job so soon, thought they were different then most other places but nope, got fired while still recovering from my wisdom tooth surgery. the reason isn't fully from my wisdom tooth surgery, but it is a part of it. I had my wisdom tooth surgery scheduled for a few weeks ago but then moved it to last week due to catching strep throat, I also called out sick from work for about a week due to that. went back to work for a few days before I caught something else (still don't know what it was, but I definitely caught it from my sister who had gone to a huge event). then went back to work for a few days before I had my wisdom tooth removal (which was last Friday). my boss knew well in advance…

well, never thought I would make a post like this on this new job so soon, thought they were different then most other places but nope, got fired while still recovering from my wisdom tooth surgery.

the reason isn't fully from my wisdom tooth surgery, but it is a part of it. I had my wisdom tooth surgery scheduled for a few weeks ago but then moved it to last week due to catching strep throat, I also called out sick from work for about a week due to that. went back to work for a few days before I caught something else (still don't know what it was, but I definitely caught it from my sister who had gone to a huge event). then went back to work for a few days before I had my wisdom tooth removal (which was last Friday). my boss knew well in advance about the first appointment and about the second one after I had rescheduled.

Recovery was supposed to take only 3-4 days which was fine since it would really only be over the weekend, but due to an infection I've been recovering since. I have also been letting my boss and supervisor know every day how my recovery is going and all I have gotten as a response is “ok” so I assumed everything was fine. then a few hours ago I got a call from HR telling me that I was being fired by my boss effective immediately for something along the lines of not showing up for work (I don't remember most of the conversation due to my ADHD and being completely shocked) and that my benefits would end at the end of the month, which is today.

I was very polite to the HR rep as they're a very nice person and I'm pretty sure that they had nothing to do with my firing (from there tone I think they definitely were very mad at my boss for doing this). I just don't understand why this even happened as I have never been written up and have been a great employee. what upsets me the most is that there was no communication from my boss about anything, no warnings about calling out sick too much and no even just talking to me to work anything out or figure out what was going on. as I write this I've realized I'm also annoyed at the fact that my boss wouldn't even call me himself to tell me and instead had to make someone else do it. I feel really bad for my coworkers as well since just a month ago my supervisor was asking us to ask people we know if they want a job there since we were very understaffed in that area.

if you've reached the end of this, thank you for listening to me rant, I just wanted to vent my frustrations with the crappy corporate system we have here in America. I may have an opportunity to start working in my dad's business soon so that's at least an upside (and since I wont have to go in for work tomorrow at least I can play the new destiny 2 raid when it comes out tomorrow, so that's nice).

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