
Got fired for “no reason”, feeling like crap

I started at a non for profit in my area 4 months ago. I was a recent grad in a big city and had such a hard time finding jobs, I was so happy to find something full-time. All of the staff on the team were new hires (within the month) including my direct supervisor. I thought it was going well but found my direct supervisor hard to work with. Telling me he asked for things in the past that I had no recollection or record of, not giving clear instructions, reviewing the work I did right before deadlines and getting mad at errors, calling me out of the blue and sending messages and emails outside of my work hours constantly. He was also super behind on the project. It all came to a head when they wanted me to do a large task in a super quick turn around.…

I started at a non for profit in my area 4 months ago. I was a recent grad in a big city and had such a hard time finding jobs, I was so happy to find something full-time.

All of the staff on the team were new hires (within the month) including my direct supervisor. I thought it was going well but found my direct supervisor hard to work with. Telling me he asked for things in the past that I had no recollection or record of, not giving clear instructions, reviewing the work I did right before deadlines and getting mad at errors, calling me out of the blue and sending messages and emails outside of my work hours constantly. He was also super behind on the project.

It all came to a head when they wanted me to do a large task in a super quick turn around. I did it, but I had no idea they wanted me to also cover the duplicate version in another language until they asked the day before it was due. They said it would be easy because it was just numbers but there were errors you would only catch if you knew the language. I am not fluent in that language. After a heated meeting from him and a harsh email from our higher up, I killed myself with overtime to get it done and got a ton of negative feedback about typos. He met with me to find ways I could improve, and I followed everything he said. I asked if he could review work he wants with a faster turn around and he said he didn't have time.

The next week he asked me to create a last minute presentation for an evening meeting and stay overtime on my bday to present it. I did and got great feedback. Then he became radio silent for a week and stopped answering my messages. The following Monday morning I had a meeting with him and HR where I got fired for “no reason”/ “not a skills match”.

I'm shocked. I didn't think I was doing that bad of a job. I tried really hard to do well. They knew I was a recent grad and didn't train me or provide feedback on any thing I did. I am dreading going back to the job market and part of me just feels like I'm not meant to work full time. I was miserable in this job even though I love the field. I regret overworking myself just to be fired the next week.

I also have a part time job in a similar field where I've worked longer and my supervisor treats me so well. The contrast is like night and day, so I know I'm not a completely awful worker. But I feel so defeated.

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